How to protect your PC with multiple layers

We’ve often mentioned that the best approach to personal online security is to protect your data with multiple layers.   While it sounds simple enough, we know the implementation is not exactly straightforward.   So we created a detailed guide that explains how you can set up this multifold Internet security system: How to Protect […]

Heimdal Thor Enterprise Screenshot

Panzer IT Becomes Exclusive Distributor for Heimdal Security in India

Panzer IT, a pioneer in providing IT Security solutions, and one of the best software distribution companies in India, is proud to announce the exclusive distribution partnership with Heimdal Security for the Indian Market. Heimdal Security is a Danish leading cybersecurity company that is actually focused on preventing attacks, not just mitigating the damages of […]

Panzer IT – Make ‘IT’ Secure: Adumbration @ Profile

Mission: Continuous Secure Data Accessibility & Availability Panzer IT is pioneer in offering software at most affordable value. From Office Application to Antivirus, Panzer ensure to provide best user experience for all its products. Panzer plans to be among top technology & ecommerce companies in India. We plan to bring every software on the planet under single portal, made […]