Panzer IT Cyber Security framework

Essential Cyber Security Steps for Organizations

Objective: To define required cyber security in organization, one need to consider compliance & actual necessities. Compliance can be GDPR, DPDP, RBI, SEBI, IRDA, AICTE/UGC etc. Both requires data protection from internal and external threats + assets protection. More or less all cyber security framework suggests following steps: Line of Defence: 2. Centralised Control: 3. […]

rbi dlp

RBI Cyber Security Framework Compliance

What is RBI Compliance? On June 2, 2016 via notification number RBI/2015-16/418 DBS.CO/CSITE/BC.11/33.01.001/2015-16 Researve Bank of India (RBI) released Cyber Security Framework in Banks in India. Here RBI suggested that use of technology by banks and users have increased multifold, alongside frequency and impact of cyber incidents / attacks have also increased manifold pertucularly in […]

data protection bill


BE IT ENACTED by Parliament of the Republic of India in 2018: WHEREAS the right to privacy is a fundamental right and it is necessary to protect personal data as an essential facet of informational privacy; WHEREAS the growth of the digital economy has meant the use of data as a critical means of communication […]


How ransomware spreads: 9 most common infection methods and how to stop them

JARETH, DECEMBER 19, 2019 Cybercriminals are looking for creative new ways to hold your data hostage. However, while ransomware might be getting more sophisticated, it’s important to remember that it still has to abide by the same rules as regular old malware. That means it still has to be distributed, it still has to infect your […]

varonis dashboard

Data Security: Definition, Explanation and Guide

BY MICHAEL BUCKBEE | UPDATED: 3/29/2020 Data Security is a process of protecting files, databases, and accounts on a network by adopting a set of controls, applications, and techniques that identify the relative importance of different datasets, their sensitivity, regulatory compliance requirements and then applying appropriate protections to secure those resources. Similar to other approaches like […]

Varonis India

Don’t let remote work put your data at risk

Varonis drastically reduces the time to detect and respond to cyberattacks – spotting threats that traditional products miss. By combining visibility and context from both cloud and on-prem infrastructure, Varonis customers get  90% reduction in incident response times  Out-of-the-box threat models for the entire kill chain  The top-reviewed UEBA solution on Gartner Peer Insights Resolve security incidents quickly and conclusively […]

vembu india

Why Vembu BDR?

File and Application Level Backup Vembu offers agents for backing up the files and other application data from Linux Servers. Single solution for all types of backups Backup selected or all files/folders from Linux Servers to the BDR backup server. During system failure or any disaster, the individual or all files can be restored to […]

vembu bdr

Backup your Virtual, Physical, Cloud workloads and SaaS applications

Vembu Backup for Microsoft Hyper-V Vembu BDR Suite supports Agentless Host-level and Cluster-level backup for Hyper-V virtual machines running on local storage, CSV, SMB share, and Storage Spaces Direct(S2D). Image-based Application-aware backup Resilient change tracking (RCT) based incremental backups Instant recovery at VM, file or application-item level Automated Backup Verification Cross-Hypervisor migration support (V2V) Learn […]

Unable to Install Antivirus

Antivirus installation or upgrade fails due to the presence of a competitive application. When attempting to install or upgrade your antivirus, the installation process may fail if installer is blocked by competitive security applications installed to the system. Check following application(s) in your system, if found, uninstall and try again: Avast Pro Antivirus avast! Antivirus […]

software company in india

Make in India

Covid19 has been unprecedented pandemic seen by modern World. As per study by UN, World Economy To Go Into Recession, Except India And China. Two-third of World population affected by this pandemic. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development said in its new analysis, calling for a $2.5 trillion rescue package for these nations. Where […]

Best Ad Blockers for 2020

Are you bombarded with annoying ads? This review looks at ad blockers and sees how they perform. By the end, you will find the best ad blockers there is. There are countless areas users are bombarded with annoying ads. It can be from websites, or you head over to YouTube and are halfway through an […]

what is spyware

What Is Spyware & How to Remove it? – Complete Guide

In this guide, we explain what spyware is, why it’s dangerous, and how to protect yourself from it. We also list the best spyware detection and removal tools to ensure your safety online. Article Written By Bill Mann – July 15, 2019 Contents What is Spyware? Common Types of Spyware Adware Trojans Tracking Cookies System Monitors Mobile […]

personnel control

What is a personnel control system and how does it work?

4 July 2019 Personnel control system is a software or hardware-software package, which allows monitoring users’ activity. The purpose of the system is to determine whether user actions are consistent with existing corporate policies.   Today market offers many options. Each CEO can choose a solution according to the requirements and budget. Modern solutions usually […]

User Behavior Analysis

What is UBA?

6 August 2019 Today business faced with challenge of internal threats anticipation. It is impossible to foresee the future. However, you can build a forecast based on analytics. User behavior analytics (UBA) is a useful tool for this purpose. UBA improves cybersecurity infrastructure via detection of internal threats, targeted attacks and financial fraud. Risk analysis […]

APT methodology

Unified Threat Protection

A solution to protect endpoints & network from all kind of cyber threats including malware, phishing, spyware & more. Abbreviation Term Definition APT Advanced Persistent Threat Prevention A sophisticated, systematic cyber-attacks program that continues for an extended period of time, backed by skilled hackers for stealing confidential information / financial data. EDR Endpoint Detection & […]

data monitoring

Pros and Cons of Employee Monitoring

Employee Monitoring + User Behavior Analysis + Data Leak Prevention Vs User Privacy + Trust + Productivity Goal Implement an employee monitoring solution that gives higher RoI, employees understand & like. Also employer needs to ascertain how to design a reasonable one. Questions Is it ok for employer to capture personal information and data of […]

panzer dlp

What is DLP?

Data Leak Prevention is a specialized software, which protects organization against data loss. This technology grants both blocking of confidential information transfer through various data channels and monitoring employee activity. Therefore it allows to find vulnerabilities beforehand. Why does company need DLP and how does the solution work? Companies often pay more attention to external […]

prevent financial loss

Fighting Corruption in the Company

Corruption is a malicious activity affecting many companies. As a rule, it is about abuse of trust. The cause is that the employees have access to assets along with the ability to make a crime without punishment. This doesn’t mean that all the trusted employees are fraudsters. However having ability to fraud is the first […]